Conscious Conception
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Angel and Baby |
To me, children are sacred. Their innocence and their vulnerability are so fragile that caring for them means understanding God or the secrets of the Universe first, as they are one and the same. But figuring out these mysteries are not easy and can take a lifetime. Thus, the choice to wait before making the commitment.
Well, after many years of spiritual research, meditation and yoga studies, my understanding is much clearer and therefore, the decision to go forward with this big step is near. However, it seems slightly ridiculous to many people that I would have waited until my early 40's to finally feel ready. Yet looking at the damage a person can do to children when they are not fully ready or mature, seems even more ridiculous. Better to consciously wait.
There are karmic laws that we are all responsible for so the more consciousness we have, the more aware we are of the karma we are creating. But very often children arrive way before consciousness does, which is karmic in itself.
There are no accidents and no coincidences in life as most people who follow a spiritual path understand, so a few months ago when a turtle showed up out of the blue near my property, I knew I was receiving a message and immediately researched turtle medicine. The turtle is the symbol of maternity and the mother, and the 13 moons, and this beautiful turtle seemed to tell me it was time to think about motherhood again. So I did. I considered it but when I went to visit a traditional gynecologist I started to get discouraged. She transmitted this sense of urgency because of my age which made me feel anxious about the whole thing. Although she is considered a very good doctor, doctors have their own point of view and generally it has very little to do with love and spirituality. Instead of supporting the decision with love and kindness, she pressured me into taking all kinds of tests to make sure I was healthy enough to go forward with the plan. I had no reason not to think I was healthy.
So I went home and reflected on the whole thing again wondering if it was really something I wanted to go through. As I did so I was guided to connect with a Conscious Conception coach named Elisabeth Manning. She sent me some Baby Spirit meditations she had recorded and she also gave me the kind of spiritual support I fully believe in.
As I listened to her gentle, loving voice I knew this was the dream I had been waiting for. My first dream was to be with a partner who would consciously commit to our relationship, and my second dream was bringing a child to the world in a conscious and spiritual way. Many children do arrive via accidental, instinctual and leave it to God, procreation, but Conscious Conception is a whole new ball game that allows the mother and child to consciously connect before the actual conception occurs. Elisabeth coaches you throughout the process with loving support.
Since I am an intuitive healer and a yogini connecting on this level was not difficult for me, but admittedly it is not as easy for everybody to reach the higher spirit realm in order to meet their baby spirit; nonetheless, many women are choosing to try it now that this coaching is available.
The first time I listened to the Baby Spirit meditation I immediately met a little girl who was extremely ready to play with me here on earth. I was really blown away by how clear the experience was. With Elisabeth's guidance I received the little girl's name and her higher purpose and desire to manifest here. The meditation also helps you heal as possible issues and past karma shows up. Elisabeth takes you to a beautiful waterfall where you can wash away the old wounds and come out cleansed and feeling better. The purpose of this cleanse? Well, considering this is a spiritual process, the baby soul would require a matching vibration from the mother. So the process helps not only attract a soul consciously but also helps the mother heal before conceiving in order to attract the same. Isn't that just amazing? Think about all the wounded women who became mothers before healing and then passed their wounds onto their children... you get my point. By healing before conceiving, the healthy vibration attracts a healthy, spiritual vibration to the earth. The more awakened and light-filled we are here, the more we will help incarnate light-filled souls. The more light-filled souls that incarnate, the more light will fill the earth. The more light there is on earth, the more peaceful and healthy we can become.
I repeatedly listened to the meditations in order to fully integrate the process into my being to better understand its deeper meaning. The breakthrough arrived when I met a guide that would help me through the process here on earth. His name was Geronimo and he guided me through the medical system I would need to deal with. I personally don't enjoy going to the doctor's and I don't like taking medication of any kind, but feeling guided and fully believing in this process I went ahead with every step Geronimo took me through.
The first step included going through the tests the gynecologist had suggested. I would not have listened to the doctor's arrogant tone of voice, but I was able to go forth with Geronimo's kind help. One of the tests I had to take was to find out if a specific bacteria was present in my system that would obstruct conception in any way. To my surprise, it was. The gynecologist wanted to prescribe two different antibiotics in order to heal the germs so I checked in with Geronimo and the guidance I received was that I just needed one not two. The gynecologist tried to find me one that could substitute the two different ones and finally found it. So I went to the pharmacy to get it only to discover that it was out of production.
I needed to go back to see the doctor to let her know and ask her to prescribe me a different one. All of this takes time because for one, appointments are not easy to make and two, the doctor was on vacation. So I waited. I had already been scolded for having waited over forty years to conceive, so what's a couple of extra weeks right? Finally I was prescribed a new antibiotic with the instructions to put off possible conception (rolling in the hay) for another two weeks.
When I finished taking the antibiotics something incredible happened. No, I didn't become pregnant but I healed a secondary problem that had me thinking I was allergic to alcool for the last ten years. The pain I went through whenever I drank anything alcoholic made it nearly impossible for me to even enjoy a sip of wine. It didn't bother me much since I'm a yogi and generally yogis don't drink, but even a social apperitivo was out of the question. Well that "allergy" was miraculously healed and I am now enjoying fine Italian wines like never before :-)
Mind you I am not finished with the tests. Geronimo is still guiding me and I am finding out lots of fun littlle things about my body. Even though yoga includes physical postures, I mainly work with spirit so taking these medical steps is not as difficult for me anymore.
I continued to listen to the Baby Spirit meditations and was thrilled to meet a little boy spirit who was very near as well. So who knows maybe there are two (my boyfriend is a twin). The babies wait until the mother is ready and in my case these two have waited for a very long time since I had already spontaneously met them during a hike in California in 2000. But... we remain free to choose whether we wish to help bring these babies to the world or not. They don't get offended if you choose not to, they just find another matching vibration for their incarnation.
Having children is not a prerequisite for being a good person regardless of what various religions preach. It does not mean you are more blessed if you happen to have a bunch of kids instead of just one or none. Just look at the world! God does not have favorites (regardless of what various religions may have you believe). Having children is a huge responsibility and not only financially, but spiritually as well.
Elisabeth Manning's spiritual mission is one I fully support and feel is one of the most beautiful spiritual missions I have heard of for anyone feeling ready to consciously bring a child to earth.
Right now my process continues. I have already had amazing connections with two baby spirits and look forward to having others once my work with Geronimo is done.
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