Whitney Houston's Daughter Explains Cocaine Photos Spread !

Bobbi Kristina is Houston's only daughter with Bobby Brown. She turns 18 on Friday. The Enquirer photo spread shows Bobbi Kristina snorting a white substance.
The singer's daughter wrote on Twitter that "a former very dear person to me did this. Set me up to make it look exactly what it looks like. God will smite them yes..But it's really not what it looks like.. People will do anything for money which is extremely sad, and I'm very hurt by this."
According to RadarOnline.com, the Enquirer article (not available online) quoted Bobbi Kristina's ex-boyfriend as saying, "Krissi is addicted to cocaine. I've tried to stop her, but all she said was, 'I'm just like my mother!'"
Sounds fishy, particularly when paired with Bobbi Kristina's long and sincere-seeming Twitter explanation.
Handily compiled by the site NecoleBitchie.com, the rest of Bobbi Kristina's impromptu Twitter press conference:
Thing's people do these days to hurt others is a shame. All I can do now, is keep my head up high, keep looking towards the lord.All the lord is telling me is be still. That's all, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. #BeStill.
I love my family so much. My mom just comforted me to the max, and I'm so thankful for her. Thank you so much lord for blessing me with an Phenomenal family and incredibly phenomenal mother. Thank you for giving me the strength to move forward and put things in the past.
And the person that did this was a result of a horrible relationship that went sour. I was in love_ he was in love with money. I've learned My lesson. I'm so much greater and blessed for it today, and I believe nothing less. That is the last I will speak of this, let's praise god And be greatful and thankful for your family, and people that truly love you, strength, courage, and life lessons learned. GodblessUall «3
Is Bobbi Kristina Brown really in a tough spot, or does the National Enquirer just have it out for Whitney Houston's daughter? In 2008, the Enquirer reported that a then-15 Bobbi Kristina "tried to stab her mom during an argument -- and then attempted to kill herself by slashing her wrists."
Again in late 2010, the Enquirer called Bobbi Kristina "out of control," "wild child," and said she was "going party-crazy."
On the flip side, NecoleBitchie.com writes that four years ago, "Whitney prohibited her then 14-year-old daughter from MySpace after photos of her supposedly drinking alcohol and smoking weed surfaced on the Internet." The site then displays photos of Bobbi Kristina blowing smoke and holding a red beer-pong style Solo cup.a
Photos taken by gossipingheifers.ning.com, atlantaboy.com, innthebasement.com, theurbandaily.com
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