Tony Benett Suggests Drug Legalization

What was Benett's Response To The Drug Nightmare that led to the death of Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston?
"First it was Michael Jackson, then Amy Winehouse, now, the magnificent Whitney Houston," he began. "I'd like every person in this room to campaign to legalize drugs."
"Let's legalize drugs like they did in Amsterdam," he continued. "No one's hiding or sneaking around corners to get it. They go to a doctor to get it."

Michael Jackson passed away from a drug overdose , one that was prescribed by his doctor. He wasn't "sneaking around". Amy Winehouse, while she did struggle with drugs, was a heavy alcohol addict. You don't need a doctor's permission to purchase booze, and you don't need a prescription to drink yourself to death.
As for Houston, her drug use included marijuana (a non-lethal drug which, yes, should be legalized) and cocaine (a highly dangerous, addictive drug which, no, probably should not). It's obvious that Bennett was trying to make a point.Undoubtedly he was carried away by his grief and frustration . As for Whitney, her various addictions were widely documented. How would a legal prescription for crack have helped matters exactly?
In my opinion, what is needed is raising awareness about drug addiction and the awful consequences that it brings. Legalizing hard drugs would only make matters worse. Drug addiction is an illness and people should stop looking down on drug users and bathe in the warm glow of superiority that it brings.
For the record, after his bizarre appeal, Bennett went on to sing "How Do You Keep the Music Playing," which was far less controversial.
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