The Daily Roundup for Sept 14
WTF? EARTH HAS NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN’S SCORN? Jewell Explains Her Book's Claims About Tupac's Death And Dr. Dre's Sexuality.
Former Death Row Artist Jewel Capels The Former First Lady of Death Row sat down with Hip Hop DX and addresses the jaw-dropping claims made in her forthcoming memoir regarding Dr. Dre, Tupac Shakur and others. Take a Peek below!
Jewell Explains The Breakdown Of Death Row Records
DX: Is it still frustrating to think how big that song could’ve been if it had been released?
Jewell: No. The thing is, I was very angry and bitter at the way things had happened, as far as Suge [Knight] treating the artists on the label [badly] and how they did business. …
A couple of people – [Dr.] Dre, Snoop [Dogg] and Tha Dogg Pound – they were able to still do some things [post-Death Row Records]. [But] then some of us just kinda … lingered. I, on the other hand, was introduced to people as Suge’s sister back in the day. So a lot of people thought we were really related, like blood-related. So when Death Row [Records] broke up, and Suge went to jail, it was very difficult for me to work with people and secure a deal for myself because they didn’t wanna deal with him.
DX: I interviewed Danny Boy last year, and in addition to a lot of eye-grabbing topics of discussion during that interview, we talked a bit about the impressive lineup of R&B artists some folks forget were housed on Death Row, including yourself. So did Suge just not see you, Danny and Nate [Dogg] as being as important as the rappers on the label? Is that why you guys didn’t get to release your solo projects?
Jewell: No, I don’t think it had anything to do with that at all. It had nothing to do with the talent, it’s just … he mixed the streets with business, and that doesn’t work.
DX: I’m just a little puzzled as to why he wouldn’t wanna capitalize on – like, especially you and Danny Boy after the Murder Was the Case soundtrack, why he wouldn’t wanna hurry up and put [solo] albums out?
Jewell: Well, the hardest thing was, if you have a label where almost every artist that you signed has the potential to be just as great as the ones that put out an album before [them, what do you do?] So, that’s difficult [in deciding what to prioritize]. … I was supposed to be next [after Tha Dogg Pound's Dogg Food], but when you’re on a roll, and things are happening, then you kind of – if you’re not ready for it, it’ll take you by surprise and you can’t do two things at once. Now me, I multitask … but unfortunately, I guess Mr. Knight couldn’t. So he just dropped in one artist in one category at a time. And that to me [was] frustrating, because we should have been a full operative label that released Rap records, R&B … but everything was like one at a time. And you had to wait for this, and wait for that …. But we were all so talented, it’s just he wasn’t ready for it. I don’t even think in the beginning we were ready for it.
Jewell Reveals Her Opinion Regarding Dr. Dre Gay Rumors
DX: One of the other questions you posed in that video that I do need some sort of comment on is the salacious query, “Is Dr. Dre really gay?”
Jewell: Is he? [Laughs] Do we know for sure? Hmmm. I mean, there have been talks about back in the day with the tight, glitter pants, when he was wearing eyeliner and stuff like that – I’m just [telling] some experiences that I went through when I was on Death Row that I’ve seen with my own eyes. So, that’s all I’ma say about it. It’s in the book. Get it. Read it. Understand it. Absorb it.
And people are like, “Well, why would you talk about Dre like that?” It’s like, I’m not doing anything – This book that I did, that I wrote, was not designed intentionally to hurt anyone. But sometimes when you’re doing a self-cleansing – Because, I talk about my life, [and] Death Row was an interesting part of my life. And I’m an honest person, so I don’t beat around the bush. I tell it like it is. I’ve always been like that. So in doing this, coming clean about myself, I had to come clean about everything that was around me at the time. ‘Cause it had to be included, I couldn’t just say, Well, I’ma tell all this on me and I’ma leave this part out. You can’t do that when you’re writing a book. When you’re writing a book, and you’re going through the phases and the times and the chapters, then you have to say what is. … You have to get the book and read it. You’ll understand not only me, but what was going on at that time and what we were dealing with.
And a lot of times you do things that you wouldn’t necessarily do, based on situations that are happening around you. Because, I was the little, naïve church girl that got turned into the singing gangster. [Laughs]
I [became] mad at the people that was handling the business. We would put down who wrote a song, who performed on it and turn it in, and Suge and the office would turn the information into ASCAP and put different people on there that were never anywhere close to the studio, wasn’t on the song, didn’t perform it, didn’t write it. So they weren’t doing good business. They were being very shiesty to the artists. … People always say, “Well, you shoulda handled your business and your paperwork.” We had paperwork. Death Row wasn’t honoring the paperwork. They weren’t honoring what was in black and white. So you’re being … punked, in a sense. And I’m like, I don’t care if I have high heels and two breasts, you’re not gonna punk me and I’m supposed to just take it. So I left. … No one’s gonna mistreat me. My mom didn’t raise me like that. You’re a human being, you have feelings. Be fair with people. If a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat. Well, we worked, and then they took food from us - not only from us, but from our children. Our children should’ve been able to live off what we created: our publishing and stuff like that.
And I just wanna say rest in peace, Nate Dogg. And big-ups to Snoop, because he started a foundation, The Nate Dogg Memorial Foundation, and you can give donations to that at And he started a trust fund for Nate’s kids at It was unfortunate that we did lose Nate Dogg. … When he passed, he wasn’t financially stable. And that’s sad. With everything we created over there, he shoulda been straight.
It’s painful to know [the value of] what we created and someone just come and say, I’m gonna rape you for it. You don’t have a choice. Bend over and take it. [Laughs]
DX: Well, I can understand documenting those grievances, writing about that, but just respectfully, I don’t understand pulling people out of the closet.
Jewell: I mean, people pull they self out of the closet. But if you say what was going on at that time, because you’re doing a cleansing of yourself and certain incidents happen to [be written about], you’re not targeting anyone. You’re just telling what happened. ‘Cause one thing ties into the other. You can’t just say, I’ma leave this part out. ‘Cause certain situations affected your current situation.
I’m not gay, or anything like that. But, I’ve had a couple of run-ins with people coming on to me and … sticky situations that morally, if I wasn’t raised the way I was raised, I woulda got probably engulfed in it, caught up in it. You have to be very careful, that’s a thin line. And it’s a lot of that stuff going on in the music industry. And, I’m not pointing the finger and saying, Oh, I’m better than this person or that person because they’re different than me. But let me know what I’m dealing with. If I’m dealing with a man, I wanna know that I’m dealing with a man. If I’m dealing with a punk, let me know that I’m dealing with a punk.
Sometimes you gotta cater to people’s egos. [But] when you’re dealing with a real man, you don’t have to cater to nobody ego. They gonna do they business, you gonna be straight, they gonna be straight, you shake hands, [and] at the end of the day everybody’s happy and they go they separate ways. But, a lot of feelings and emotions was in our business, and that’s not good.
So, am I saying Dr. Dre is gay? Read the book! [Laughs] He’s talented. I mean, to me, he’s a dope producer. It’ll take you a year to get a track from him, but when you get it, it’ll make the difference in your project. So [what I write in the book is] not to discredit him or take away from his talents. Oh no, by no means and in no way will I ever do that. I’m not trying to hurt anyone here. But sometimes the truth hurts.
People think, well, they’re gonna sue you for slander. And I tell people, if I was there, and I saw certain things with my own eyes, that’s not slander. I have a right to tell what I saw. I have a right to tell what I was involved in and what happened to me, as well as others that were around me at [these] certain times in my life. So, ya know, I sorry. [Laughs]
DX: So beyond the book, what’s the next step for Jewell? Is this a full-fledged comeback?
Jewell: This is really … My Blood, My Sweat and My Tears, the book as well as the soundtrack, is a testimonial of what I’ve been through. So it’s sorta like, feel my pain, understand me. Unfortunately, it is some people that I had to talk about. Like I said, [I did that] because that was during the time of everything that was going on. … I didn’t do it to target Dr. Dre, or The D.O.C. – ‘cause I talk about a lot of [songs] they put him down for that he didn’t write. And he got publishing that he know he shouldn’t have gotten. So it’s just that, people weren’t honest. And if you wanna do business, at least be honest. Say, Nah, man, y’all put me on that but that’s not me. So he took the publishing. I can’t be [blaming] him for taking it, but … do honest business. And we were all treated unfairly. But God is good, because as long as you have talent and you create something, you’ll always have an opportunity or an outlet to do it again.
What I did, I got very angry, very bitter, and it affected me, not only as an artist but as a person. [But] if you keep crying over [spilled] milk, and you keep doing the same thing, there’s a saying you’ll keep getting the same results. So I had to leave. My background was the church, so I went back to my roots. Because, my mom used to tell me, “God didn’t give you that voice for you to be singing on those records.” … I did some soul searching like, Hey, what happened to Jewell? ‘Cause I sort of got lost in the sauce as well. … So I left, I regrouped, I asked God to forgive me for some of the things that I did that wasn’t right – ‘cause Jewell’s not perfect. And in the book I let people know everything that I did. I don’t keep nothing out, and make myself like, Oh, I’m better than everybody. My mistakes and my experiences [are] gonna be a learning tool for these young people not to make the same mistakes. So I told on myself. If you got told on in the process, that’s ‘cause you was around me. [Laughs]
I told on myself. I told the things that I did when I took weed. I was taking Ecstasy. I was drinking. … It was guys I probably would of never dated if I would have been sober. I talk about the abuse. I was raped. It’s a lot of things that’s in there, and I think when people read the book they’ll realize, Wow, she wasn’t doing this to hurt anybody, she was letting us know what not to do, and the reasons why she made certain choices and decisions. So, kudos for me for being honest. I’m not scared of anybody. The truth is the truth. And the truth hurts, but it has to be told.
DX: Well … today on HipHopDX, the lead story ironically enough is about Game giving his two cents about closeted gay rappers. He seems to have a problem with rappers not coming out of the closet. And, it just feels like – No matter what your views on homosexuality are, once you get a little bit of age on you, a little bit of maturity, a little bit of life experience, you realize that some of this talk is just immature.
Jewell: Well, I’m not against – I didn’t do this because I wanna gay-bash anybody. I’m not against people’s life choices. The best person that ever did my hair, he was gay. And probably still is. I liked him as a person. But, if a snake is a snake and I don’t know it, it’s gonna bite me, unexpectedly. So, with these life choices that we make comes certain attitudes in the way you have to deal with people. So let me know from the jump how you are so I’ll know how to deal with you. [Laughs] Basically, that’s all we’re saying. That’s your life choice, but don’t force it on me. Don’t bring certain things around me
In the beginning my son was with me everywhere I went - my oldest son, who’s now in the Army and married with children. So, I’m bringing him around certain entities, [and] you have to be careful. But if you don’t know, then they’re at risk. Pedophiles, they exist. And most of the time it’s somebody that’s closest to you. So just let me know what I’m dealing with. … We at least should have that right. I lived in Hollywood, for maybe four years. And I took my son to The Hollywood Theatre, and we’d be standing in line and I’d have two grown men tongue-kissing down in front of us. And [my son] was only like eight, nine [years-old]. So, okay, if they’re gonna do that, then I have a right to leave. I don’t have to stand there and watch it. Then I have to explain to my son, Well, God did make woman to be with man, but some people – That’s too much to have to explain to a child when they’re not ready. So, okay, if that’s how you wanna be, be that way, but have some consideration for other people that’s morally correct.
I don’t care how you look at it – “I was born this way,” okay, alright, but don’t force it on other people. ‘Cause the way I was raised, that’s an abomination before the Lord. I’m spiritual, but God says don’t judge people. So I’m not gonna hate you because of it, but let me know what I’m dealing with. Because I don’t wanna be around it, to be honest.
DX: Well, like I said, I wasn’t trying to get into what you talk about in the book regarding Dr. Dre but I felt like we needed to explore that topic a little bit more, so …
Jewell: Like I said, it’s a tell-all on myself. And unfortunately, I was in some places and spots and I was on the – And I must say, I do thank Suge, and Dr. Dre, for allowing me to be an artist on one of the most successful Rap labels in the world. For the experience that I got, I couldn’t have paid for this.
Jewell Explains Her Dream About Tupac's Murder

DX: [Laughs] Well, I do have to ask … you weren’t in [Las] Vegas when [Tupac] was shot were you?
Jewell: No, but there were – I had a dream. I was actually recording in the studio, but I was supposed to go [to Las Vegas]. And, Tupac and Suge called me at the studio. That night it was me, [producer] Demetrius Shipp, Hammer was there … I wanna say Eric B was there. And Nate Dogg had came by to pick up his [unreleased] album, ‘cause it was being mixed and mastered, and I guess he wanted to listen to the songs before he was going to Vegas or on the way to Vegas. But, I was supposed to be there. And, it’s funny ‘cause Suge’s cousin, Rochelle, she was my road dog. His family was sorta more like my family. We all hung together. I played dominoes with his daddy. And [at] the holidays, I spent [time] with his family. So, it was funny ‘cause she and I, we both had different dreams in regards to [Tupac] being killed.
It was kind of a scary thing, because [Tupac] called, and he was supposed to do a song that I had called “Money, Sex and Weed.” So [the concept] was [having those] three wishes …. And he was supposed to come and do the song before he went to Vegas. But, they was doing some other things and they were just calling me to let me know after Vegas they were gonna – Suge said he’s gonna come to the studio and do it. So, he put ‘Pac on the phone and ‘Pac was like, “Jeweeeeeell.” I was like, “What's up.” He was like, “I got you baby girl, don’t worry. I’ma be there.” And I’m like, “Okay, so you’re on your way?” And he was like, “Uh … no. We’re gonna go to Vegas first.”
And so, I began to talk about my dream. And I begged him not to go. I begged him. I was in tears. It’s funny because, I guess for a long time Suge might’ve thought that I set them up. Because, what happened in my dream was very close to what happened in the incident. And, I began to tell ‘Pac, “If you do it, you’re not coming back. If you go to Vegas, you’re not coming back. Please don’t go.” So, he like, “Aw, Suge, Jewell trippin’.” So he put the phone down, and he put Suge on the phone and I was like, “Look, please don’t go to Vegas. You guys are not gonna make it back.” And he was like, “Jewell, I ain’t afraid of no bustas. What’cha talkin’ ‘bout?” I was like, “If you go to Vegas, why don’t you just watch the [Mike Tyson vs. Bruce Seldon] fight at the house – get some girls, some bitches, some drinks – [but] just don’t go out in public.” So, they thought that I was trippin’ ‘cause I was literally in tears. And I got so overwhelmed that [Demetrius] had to get the phone, and he was talking to Suge. He was like, “She just woke up out of a nap and she’s hysterical.”
So I can’t say everything, everything that happened, but it was very scary that warning does come before destruction. And I can’t say that Tupac wouldn’t be dead today, but I can say at that particular time if they would of listened to me he would of still been alive
WOW!!!!! We’ll all be waiting for a reponse from Dr Dre and Afeni Shakur!
SERIOUSLY!?!: Ryan Seacrest To Take Over VH1 Soul?
Fans of VH1 Soul (like myself) will be SHOCKED to learn that Ryan Seacrest is in talks to take over the fledgling network, home to videos by some of real R&B's finest like Erykah Badu, Jill Scott and Maxwell.
Hopefully he learned a thing or two about soul music from Randy Jackson because, according to reports, "American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest may soon control the content of the soul music oriented VH1 Soul network. The channel has been yanked from several markets already over the past year or so, but is still very much a part of the VH1 and Viacom family. And it's arguable the only music channel STILL playing music--and not just reality-show-ridden. And it's really GOOD music at that.
The E! News producer, who already has his creations the "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" franchise and "On Air With Ryan Seacrest" under his belt, has been in talks with partner AEG to seal the deal.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ryan and AEG hope to acquire the Viacom owned network as part of Ryan's expanding media portfolio. But don't expect him to be plastered all over the network.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ryan and AEG hope to acquire the Viacom owned network as part of Ryan's expanding media portfolio. But don't expect him to be plastered all over the network.
He recently said that any deal he makes won't result in "a Ryan Seacrest channel." He continued,
"It will not be branded with my name or my face, which many people will be happy about."
Well that's a relief. But I can't help but imagine what types of changes are in store for the network. It's not like soul music lovers have options when it comes to finding videos that don't include cameos by Waka Flocka and Lil' Wayne and co. Sigh....
Well is she, or isn’t she?: Beyonce Not Perfoming Live via Satellite for MJ Tribute

Beyonce will not be performing live via satellite for the Michael Jackson tribute in Cardiff, Wales as previously reported instead she will submit a video message...
From Radar Online
The Michael Jackson Tribute concert in Cardiff, Wales, will not be featuring a live satellite performance by Beyonce as originally promised, is exclusively reporting.
Concert promoters had earlier stated that the pregnant singer would be performing via satellite, but on the Ticketmaster website for the event, Beyonce is now listed as making "a special contribution on video."
"Beyonce won't be performing a song live via satellite for the tribute concert now," a source close to the situation tells exclusively.
The Michael Jackson Tribute concert in Cardiff, Wales, will not be featuring a live satellite performance by Beyonce as originally promised, is exclusively reporting.
Concert promoters had earlier stated that the pregnant singer would be performing via satellite, but on the Ticketmaster website for the event, Beyonce is now listed as making "a special contribution on video."
"Beyonce won't be performing a song live via satellite for the tribute concert now," a source close to the situation tells exclusively.
The tribute concert also won't be attended by Janet, Randy or Jermaine Jackson because the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, who is charged in the death of Michael, will be going on at the same time.
However, Katherine Jackson has said she will attend the concert, along with Michael's children, and LaToya fully supports the show and will also be there.
Creating more controversy, Michael Jackson fans are outraged that promoters are now offering 2-for-1 deals for tickets.
Fans that already bought tickets for the October 8 show at the 75,000 seat arena, won’t qualify for the deal.
However, Katherine Jackson has said she will attend the concert, along with Michael's children, and LaToya fully supports the show and will also be there.
Creating more controversy, Michael Jackson fans are outraged that promoters are now offering 2-for-1 deals for tickets.
Fans that already bought tickets for the October 8 show at the 75,000 seat arena, won’t qualify for the deal.
Performers slated to perform are Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Gladys Knight, Smokey Robinson, Leona Lewis, and Ne-Yo.
Ticket prices range from $55-450 with a service and processing fee of $20.
Concert promoter Global Live Events didn't immediately respond to request for comment on the story.
A rep for Beyonce tells “We never announced or confirmed Beyonce's participation, various media outlets announced her performing by satellite not us and we never confirmed that.
“Beyonce was always scheduled via a special video performance and message to Michael, family and fans. It is a spectacular performance!
Ticket prices range from $55-450 with a service and processing fee of $20.
Concert promoter Global Live Events didn't immediately respond to request for comment on the story.
A rep for Beyonce tells “We never announced or confirmed Beyonce's participation, various media outlets announced her performing by satellite not us and we never confirmed that.
“Beyonce was always scheduled via a special video performance and message to Michael, family and fans. It is a spectacular performance!
OH Gurl go on bed rest and let it be!
REALLY?; Solange: ‘No Questions About Beyonce’
We all know that Beyonce’ and her family become very tight lipped when it comes to their personal lives, so it shouldn’t come as a surprised or shock if they decline to talk about Beyonce’s pregnancy. Earlier this week, Solange was DJ-ing in a store during Fashion Night Out and was approached by ‘Today’ show co-host Hoda Kotb. According to a source, before Hoda could speak, Solange’s publicist/stylist/good friend, Charles Wade stopped her on her tracks saying,
“What do you want to talk to [Solange] about? She won’t answer questions about Beyoncé.”
Hoda replied that she only wanted to say ‘Hi’ and ask about the event but Wade didn’t believe her and reportedly got in her face with an aggressive attitude and said:
She won’t answer any questions about Beyoncé … I need to know what questions you’ll ask.”
Hoda politely replied, “No thanks,” and took her conversation over to Ivanka Trump.
Well Dayum! I can see where this would come off as rude but it was better to send her ‘bad guy’ then have the reporter ask Solo about Beyonce’s pregnancy and she promptly ‘check them’ herself. A few years ago, Solange almost went postal on a Fox 5 reporter after they asked her a question about Jay-z when she was suppose to be on the show promoting her new album.
If she wants to avoid Beyonce questions, she definitely has to skip out on interviews until the baby is born…
Well LOOKY, LOOKY; Demi Moore Posts Naked Picture Online

48-year-old actress Demi Moore posted a naked picture of herself on Twitter.
Demi Moore is the latest celebrity to post semi-nude pics of herself on Twitter, in order to receive attention from her followers.
What is with celebrities these days? Is Twitter their major form of instant gratification when they need to be told how great they are? Do the people they hire, the ass-kissers they surround themselves with on a regular basis not do the job sufficiently enough for them that they find it necessarily to tweet pics of them in various states of undress, so their fans and followers can tell them how hot, how amazing, how unbelievable they are?
Demi Moore is the latest to follow the playbook that Adrianne Curry has made famous, taking to Twitter last night, showing off a pic of her naked back, accompanied by this: “remember…’ve got your own back.” Wow, that’s clever. It almost sounds like something only the creative juices of husband Ashton Kutcher could come up with, but, considering you haven’t had a hit movie since… oh, I don’t know… 1997 (G.I. JANE for those of you at home keeping score), your ability to come up with something that doesn’t suck is probably dead to the world… kind of like your old body, which looked nothing like the million-dollar masterpiece you’re rocking these days.
Actually, let me go ahead and change my argument mid-stream. If you’re going to tweet half-naked shots of yourself, at least give us the good half, Demi. God knows you spent enough money on it.
New York City was on as celebs, athletes, models, designers, and all things fashion were on full display for Fashion's Night Out. The event--which is one of fashion's biggest nights of the year in sales and publicity--goes on in multiple cities acorss the country all on one night
Pretty ladies! Model Selita Ebanks posed it up with friends Estelle, who performed, and Corrine Bailey Rae at Diane von Furstenberg's celebration at her boutique.
And Ms. Furstenberg herself was there to give out kisses.
Friends Tika Sumpter and Estelle met up at the Vevo Music Celebration at The Darby before Tika hit up the Giuseppe boutique with the designer himself:
Not mad at the thigh-high Giuseppe Zanotti autographed suede boots.
Not feeling this gold and black dress though.
And over at the Prada celebration at the Prada boutique:
Dwyane Wade chatted up VOGUE's creative director Grace Coddington.
Usher and the Biebs hit up the Dolce & Gabbana boutique with a swarm of fans:
And Lala & Carmelo hit up D&G as well:
La rocked Dolce's hot stars and lace fitted dress for the occasion.
And they even got some cute t-shirts made with their pics.
La chanhed clothes--of course--while at Rag & Bone's event at the Land Rover showroom. And she and Melo posed with the Rag & Bone designers Marcus Wainwright and David Neville.
Things got modelicious over at Columbia + Jeffrey:
Sessilee Lopez looked HOT in her black leather reptile dress,
while Russell Simmons (who loves the models) had his Australian soap actress chick Melissa George there too:
And speaking of models:
Chanel Iman hit up the Gucci event--and posed in a Gucci designed smartcar.
Dressed in head to toe Gucci then changed it up.
She also headed over to Sunglasses Boutique to don some shades:
Intermix was poppin' with the Queen of Hip Hop Soul and the Queen of A-list styling:
Rachel Zoe and MJB shared a moment.
Macy's saw lots of designers (especially since many designers house their items at the department store) and celebs. Fashion partners Rachel Roy and NY Knick Amar'e Stoudamire hit the carpet. Looking suspiciously close too:
Amar'e hooped it up inside and snapped some pics with Ms. Roy. It wouldn't be the first time he stepped out on his baby mama who he's still with.
Ciara anyone?
John Legend's girlfriend (and model) Christine Tiegen popped up there too.
Over at the other department store Saks Fifth Avenue, Chris Bosh and Lady Bosh, Adrienne, had some fun:
Ne-Yo was there as well to perform.
More department store fun:
Solange DJ'd it up at Lord & Taylor for the evening.
"Today Show"'s Hoda Kotb was around town nabbing interviews.
Model Iman looked gorgeous in Lanvin as she hit a few events at the Lanvin boutique and elsewhere.
Angela Simmons rocked a black and white look and posed with stylist June Ambrose as they spotted each other on the crazy streets.
Ange then hit up the Giuseppe boutique for shoes and ish.
The cast of Broadway's "The Mountaintop" chatted it up for the crowd at Girogio Armani:
Co-stars Angela Bassett and Samuel L. Jackson laughed it up.
Loves her.
At the Ferragamo boutique, socialite and fashionista Genvieve Jones rocked a look from Ferragamo's new line and I'm loving how she mixed and matched the prints.
LL Cool J and his wife Simone hosted a jewelry showcase for Simone's jewelry line Simone Smith Jewelry.
Singer Alexandra Burke kept it cutesy and flirty in this floral skirt and white button down and hair bun.
Designer Nicole Miller showed off her fab nude dress on Tiffany Hines at her FNO event last night.
And Laila Ali.
Charlie Sheen's Comedy Central Roast
Taking his center stage seat in preparation of an onslaught of jokes and stories told at his expense, Charlie Sheen was the subject of conversation at Sony Studios on last Saturday night (September 10).
On hand for the former "Two and a Half Men" star's Comedy Central's Roast were a long list of stars including his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, as well as Mike Tyson, Kate Walsh, William Shatner, Kristin Cavallari, Jeffrey Ross, Steve-O, Seth MacFarlane, Jon Lovitz and Maria Menounos, among others.
On hand for the former "Two and a Half Men" star's Comedy Central's Roast were a long list of stars including his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, as well as Mike Tyson, Kate Walsh, William Shatner, Kristin Cavallari, Jeffrey Ross, Steve-O, Seth MacFarlane, Jon Lovitz and Maria Menounos, among others.
While many of the Sheen-focused speeches were a bit too strong-languaged to print, an example of the night's roasting is Jon Lovitz's joke, in which he asked, "How much blow can Charlie Sheen do?"
After a short pause, the "Saturday Night Live" alum continued, "Enough to kill 'Two and a Half Men."
Taking it all in stride, Charlie - who turned up in a gray suit with a red tie - finally got his chance to speak to the audience, during which time he said, "It's true I've hung around a lot of shady characters, but to have you all here on one night is really special."
The pre-taped roast of Charlie Sheen is set to air on Comedy Central on September 19th - the same night as his former CBS show's season premiere.
Damon Dash’s Nightclub Closed By NYPD for being an Illegal Night club!

It seems Damon Dash can’t get a break, after being his with a tax bill of $3 million (see here), NYPD served Mr. Dash with a court summons for his 4-story warehouse in Tribeca, DD172. The sometimes art gallery, sometimes photo studio, sometimes rehearsal space has been deemed a nightclub by the city of New York. Dash and associates are accused of 6 counts of storing and selling alcoholic beverages without a license, first being caught violating the liquor code in November of 2010 and as recently as May of 2011.
Because of this, and the loudness of the property, neighbors are calling Damon Dash’s business affairs a nuisance to the community, with one anonymous neighbor saying, “Damon Dash was a terrible neighbor. It was always super loud, super noisy, tons of garbage in the street. All these 18-year-old kids smoking and drinking—real thugs. They were disrespectful to the neighborhood.”
No Dame knows he’s gotta watch his back in a neighborhood like this, one of the richest and whitest neighborhoods in NYC. If this place was in Brooklyn, we wouldn’t even be making a fuss.
What do you think?
Tyrese Wants the Cover of Vibe Really Bad

Tyrese Gibson successfully marketed his comic book, self help guide and latest single all using the power of Twitter.
Now Tyrese is mounting a Twitter campaign to land the cover of Vibe Magazine...

WELL DAMN VIBE Give him the cover already!
BABY MAMA DRAMA: T.O.'s Baby Mama Wants Him Sent To Jail Over CHILD SUPPORT
Footballer and reality tv star, Terrell Owens, who's already a "Baby Daddy" several times over, is two months late on child support payments to one of his baby mamas...and she wants him tossed in jail.
Melanie Paige Smith, who has a 5-year-old daughter with Terrell Owens, has filed a petition begging a Fulton County Superior Court judge to toss the deadbeat in jail.
According to her Melanie's lawyer, Randy Kessler, Terrell is two months late on his payments and didn't pay for June and July until August.
Why? Well.....T.O. says the NFL Lockout has drastically decreased his income (estimated to have PREVIOUSLY been $666K a month) and NOW he can only afford $2500 a month.
Melanie Paige Smith, who has a 5-year-old daughter with Terrell Owens, has filed a petition begging a Fulton County Superior Court judge to toss the deadbeat in jail.
According to her Melanie's lawyer, Randy Kessler, Terrell is two months late on his payments and didn't pay for June and July until August.
Why? Well.....T.O. says the NFL Lockout has drastically decreased his income (estimated to have PREVIOUSLY been $666K a month) and NOW he can only afford $2500 a month.
However, Melanie was not interested in taking a cut in her payments so she threatened to go public.
And at that point, Randy says Terrell reached out to Melanie.
"He texted her and said she could speak to the media, he didn't care," Kessler said. "So she has."
And at that point, Randy says Terrell reached out to Melanie.
"He texted her and said she could speak to the media, he didn't care," Kessler said. "So she has."
Now a judge will decide if T.O. may need to film his reality show's reunion episode behind bars, or if he will just pay up the money and focus his attentions back on Mo, Kita, whoever is his chick of the moment.
Soleil Moon Frye Once Shared a Jacuzzi with Michael Jackson

In her new book, "Happy Chaos", Punky Brewster star, Soleil Moon Frye, writes about the time she was babysat by Michael Jackson and how they ended up in the Jacuzzi.
Soleil Moon Frye, aka 1980s television's Punky Brewster, says that when she was a child, she had a "heart-to-heart" chat with Michael Jackson in a hot tub and that the King of Pop also saved her from a swan.
Soleil Moon Frye, aka 1980s television's Punky Brewster, says that when she was a child, she had a "heart-to-heart" chat with Michael Jackson in a hot tub and that the King of Pop also saved her from a swan.
The 35-year-old former child star reveals details her encounters with the late pop star in her new book "Happy Chaos," which was released on Tuesday, August 23.
Jackson's representatives have not commented on Frye's remarks. The King of Pop, who died in 2009, had often touted his friendships with young celebrities and made headlines in 2005 when he was tried for child molestation in a case involving a teenage boy. He was found not guilty.
Frye says in the book that she met Jackson at a Bruce Springsteen concert she attended with Kidada Jones, the daughter of music producer Quincy Jones, who worked with the pop star. Jackson showed up at the box they were sitting in with his friend, actress Elizabeth Taylor, who passed away earlier this year.
Frye, who was 8 years old at the time, says Jackson later invited the two girls to his home and that she took him up on his offer two weeks later.
She and her mother showed up at his ranch in North Hollywood, which is near Los Angeles. Kidada Jones was there as well and she and Frye were later permitted to remain alone with Jackson and watch "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," a 1971 film starring Gene Wilder as a chocolate factory owner who takes a group of children on an tour of his mysterious and seemingly magical facility.
Frye says Kidada Jones left the house after the three finished watching the movie and that Jackson then offered to show her his animals. The singer was known for keeping a wide varierty of pets, notably his chimpanzee, Bubbles.
"We went outside on his stunning property and began walking over a bridge when a swan jumped out at me," Frye says in her book. "Michael threw me to the ground in an effort to protect me. he explained that the female swan was pregnant and so the male swan was protecting her. Seemed normal, I guess."
The two later returned to the house. Jackson asked if she wanted "to take a Jacuzzi" and she accepted. She says she changed into a swimsuit and the two sat in a hot tub "talking about life, love and the secrets of the world."
"I remember him talking about the fact that he related more to kids than adults and that grown-ups never completely understood him," Frye says. "He sat across from me and we had a dialogue as if we were peers - a true heart-to-heart. He never made me feel like this was a bizarre situation. It just seemed as if he really wanted someone to talk to, someone who would make no judgments about him."
Frye said the two later played games in the house and that she never saw the pop star again after her mother picked her up.
"This story is not one I have shared often, but now I realize, if even for only one night, Michael Jackson was my babysitter," she wrote. "As strange as it all sounds - and I know it sounds strange - it was a highlight in my young life."
This is awesome…I don’t need to say anything else.
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